Even though right now it may just be you (or a few interns) in your business, there will come a time, as your business grows, when you will have a team; a group of people who look to you to lead them towards the goals of your company. While this it exciting, it should also be a little intimidating.
Being a great leader, in my opinion, is not something that you can learn from a book. It takes time, practice, and the ability to admit to mistakes.
Recently, while taking a business growth course here in NYC, I participated in a group exercise where we listed characteristics of the best leaders we’ve worked with in the past.
Take a look and take it in, people.
Start to embody some of these characteristics in your work so that, as you grow as a business, you also grow as a leader.
14 Characteristics of a Great Business Leader
- Encourages creativity
- Possesses a balance of confidence and humility
- Is a closer
- Is a teacher
- Is strategic in decision making
- Has a generosity of spirit
- Knows how to effectively delegate
- Great listener
- Is fair
- Is non-reactive
- Is supportive
- Is respectful
- Has a positive energy
- Is decisive
I know there are a few on this list that I can definitely improve (I’m lookin’ at you, decisive).
Sonia K
I guess I would add up:
Is a good reader…. needs to be up to date with trends and that can’t all come from just listening!
Nicole Giordano
Good addition, Sonia!