When you work for yourself, you’re pretty much on your own with decision making. You have no one to turn to when you need advice about what do to and what not to do. No one to bounce ideas off of, get feedback from, or learn from. My advice: Get a mentor.
As someone who recently took the leap, I have to say that it feels good knowing that I now have someone in my life who can subjectively look at my business and say exactly the right things; making me ask myself the proper questions before taking a potentially detrimental step in any one business direction.
So, what to consider when thinking about a mentor:
- Keep in mind that this is a relationship like any other and therefore cannot be forced. You just have to click.
- Take your time and remember that sometimes mentors come in a form you weren’t expecting.
- Your mentor does not have to have exactly the same business history or work in the same field as you do. Figure out the key elements that are important to you and focus on finding someone who has a track record in that realm.
- Your mentor does not need to be someone who is geographically close to you. Skype.
- Don’t expect your mentor to give you answers. A good mentor will help you to ask yourself the right questions and give yourself the right answers….almost like a therapist.
- Your mentor is there to help you but always remember that you can help your mentor; be open and share your thoughts, feedback, and ideas if they ask for them.
- A mentor’s job is not meant to make you feel good or bad about yourself or your business They are there to help you see things you cannot see on your own because you’re simply too close to the situation.
You may not think you need a mentor but remember that mom, dad, sis, boyfriend, best friend cannot be your mentor; they’re too close to you.
Joyce Sullivan
Hello, I love this site! I am in need of a great mentor! I want to launch a handbag line and I have no clue as to where to start. I need someone open and experienced! Do you have any suggestions?
i need help with the launch of my new private label. I’ve had a some great feedback about my brand and social media likes but i’m not turning them into any sales.
Is this something you’d be able to help with?
Leisha MacDonald
Great post, this is something that’s been lingering on my to-do list for way too long now. To help me kick things off, do you have any tips on where or how to find a great mentor?
Nicole Giordano
Hi Leisha,
Thanks for your comment, so glad you liked the post.
I would suggest contacting your local Women’s Business Development Center as well as any local colleges and universities as they often have mentorship programs. You can also check out Micro Mentor: http://www.micromentor.org/
Hope that helps!
Leisha MacDonald
Thanks Nicole, I will definitely check those out!