Most creative people are dreamers. We wish for the things we want, we hope they happen, we dream about what it would be like if/when they did. Here’s the thing. Wishing, hoping, and dreaming, will not make you successful.
If you don’t balance all the daydreaming with hard work, planning, and execution, you are making it too easy to fail.
It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan. – Eleanor Roosevelt
When you decided that you wanted to start your own fashion business, you knew it wasn’t going to be easy.
You knew it would take a lot of hard work and a lot of learning to create something successful and sustainable. But once you got past the stage of dreaming about your business, did you do anything to define business success? Did you create anything to measure how you’re going to get from point A to point B?
Of course it is important to define a mission. Dreaming about your business is one of the best parts of creating it. It’s inspiring and exciting and gives you something to look forward to. Don’t ever stop doing that, it’s what drives and motivates you. Or, at least, it should be.
Have you created a plan for your business? Not necessarily a formal “business plan” but a plan that lays out your success factors and gives you a definitive way of achieving those success factors. It’s your daily guide, your building blocks.
If you don’t have something in place that defines your business success and helps you achieve it, you should.
If you do, spend some time thinking about how you really spend your day. Be honest. Are you working on the tasks that will take you and your business forward?
What are you doing each and every day that will lead to success?
Just having a plan is not enough. If you’re not actually doing the work, what’s the point? You’ve taken the time to lay out your path and now you need to actually follow it.