We all have dreams. We all have goals. We all know that to achieve those dreams and goals, we need to work on them. But sometimes even with that knowledge, it isn’t enough to make us…
Do the damn work already!
Sometimes, no matter how passionate we believe ourselves to be about our businesses, we’re simply not doing what needs to be done.
There are a lot of reasons for this. Maybe we’re procrastinators. Maybe we’re scared. Maybe we’re unclear on the steps to take.
But whatever the reason, the only way these dreams and goals are going to be achieved is by getting over ourselves and taking action.
I’ve heard all kinds of things from designers (and from my own mouth!) about why something didn’t get done:
- I don’t know where to start
- I’m overwhelmed
- I’m such a procrastinator
- I don’t feel like it
- Time got away from me
- I’m nervous
- I’m a perfectionist
The things is, none of that matters. If the work doesn’t get done, the goals don’t get reached.
I’m not yelling at you. I promise.
I am however, trying to get you to see that all of the excuses in the world don’t matter.
Without action, nothing happens.
And if we allow ourselves to use one of the many excuses I listed above as a reason to do minimal amounts of work, then we can kiss business success goodbye.
I have to be honest, I don’t subscribe the the idea of “hustle” because this usually implies working non-stop, doing “whatever it takes to be successful”, and putting your own health (both mental and physical) on the back burner.
But what I do subscribe to (and what you should also) is the idea that no one is going to make your business work for you. No one is going to do the work, if you’re not. And therefore, it is the responsibility of no one other than you to take action.
I know that sometimes it feels like these excuses are very real and you truly don’t know the next step or you truly are overwhelmed. That’s OK. It’s also very common.
But the mistake comes when you stop there.
Instead of allowing these excuses to hold you back, do your research and figure out the next steps. Or dive deep into why you’re overwhelmed and not doing the work that needs to be done. Maybe you just need some organization. Maybe it’s more than that. Either way, figure out what you need to change to make sure that you are doing the damn work!
Because, darling designer, it’s the only way you’re going to reach those goals that you say you so badly want.
Lots of love and encouragement,