It’s so easy to get stressed out thinking about everything you need to do for your business. The feeling washes over you without you even being conscious of it. You feel fried, overworked, and cloudy-minded by all that needs to be done.
This feeling tends to lead to a whole lot of nothin’ gettin’ done.
Which leads me to my point;
To think is easy, to act is difficult. – Von Goethe
Don’t allow all the thinking you’re doing about the stuff that needs to get done, to keep you from actually getting that stuff done.
One trick I’ve found to be really helpful is to start my day by writing down everything that is on my mind, from a grocery list to a major business decision that needs to be made. By simply writing it down at the start of the day, my mind is cleared of the clutter and I am able to act on my ideas rather than think about them.
Try it!
Gigi Rodgers
One of the best lessons I have learned, through trial and came-close-to-being-an-error is, “Whatever it is you’re avoiding, do it first. It’s most likely the most important thing you should be doing”.
I was preparing for a pop-up shop and decided on these custom wood displays I would make myself. I put it off to that weekend. HUGE mistake, especially since I had not touched a power tool since high school, didn’t know how to change a drill bit, had to still prime and paint them, etc.
If it wasn’t for my dad helping with a LOT of it, that would have been an epic failure.
The silver lining to that stress, I’ve learned A LOT about power tools, construction, and improvisation since.
The Home Depot employees know me by name now and greet me by saying, “So what are we designing today”?
Ha! I’m famous. 😛