Our latest Instagram takeover was with independent designer Amanda Chapman, founder of House of Adnama, as she took us along for her Spring Summer 15 editorial photo shoot.
Amanda is a talented designer based in Decatur, GA and a member of the StartUp FASHION community. Her distinct take on unisex fashion is fun, creative, and alive.
Below is our interview with Amanda, where she takes us behind the scenes of an emerging brand and shares a look into a long but exciting day of models, makeup, hair, and photography!
There is a saying “you learn something new every day.” The day of your takeover, what did you learn about business in fashion?
I would have to say — it’s impossible to do everything yourself. As an emerging designer, I find myself taking on many tasks that most established lines have staffing for. The day of my shoot, I was pulled in many directions and there were times that tasks were missed. I’m truly grateful to have been surrounded by such an amazing team that stepped in when it was obvious that I could use a hand. Going forward, I realize that I must consider bringing an assistant on board. Whether it is a family member or close friend to keep costs down until I have enough in my budget to hire someone full time.
What is your favorite photo you took? Why?
My favorite photo/video of the day was when the models were on set having fun in between shots and engaging with each other. I enjoy being around positive people who enjoy what they do. It’s really refreshing as well as encouraging to have a team that believes in what you’re doing as a designer and support you 100% of the way. Viewing that image made me feel like WOW, I was a part of that.
What is the most valuable thing you did the day of your takeover?
Having a videographer on set. As a designer, I find myself never really being able to see the models, photographers, hair/makeup artists in action. Most of the time, I’m busy steaming clothes, pairing garments, styling models, or making sure operations are running smoothly. The videographer helped capture the entire team in action that day. I plan to create a video composed of clips and interviews from behind the scenes to use on my website.
How would you describe your day in three words?
What role has StartUp FASHION taken in your everyday business life?
A major role. I’m a self taught fashion designer and StartUp FASHION has so many tools available within fingertips. In the past I would spend hours upon hours looking for information, most of the time without any luck. StartUp FASHION has cut my time in half as well as provided me with specific goals to accomplish each day with the many tools and resources available. My favorites are the Retailer Database and Sales and Press Opportunities. This past shoot was actually inspired by those 2 tools. I’m planning to submit any day now.
What did you accomplish the day of your Insta-takeover?
We shot the entire collection. Which is so awesome, because now I have the tools needed to start marketing the brand and gaining exposure. My images are the based in everything I do.
If you could give one piece of advice to fellow emerging designers, what would it be?
Never give up, even when things seem to not go your way. Always find a positive in the negatives. I believe everything happens for a reason. It happens because there is a lesson that we are meant to learn. Reflect and see what you could have done differently and keep moving forward not backwards.
Hello, I am a startup lingere company in Atlanta. Where do you suggest I find models for a two to four hour photoshoot. I have a limited budget. Thanks.