By now you know how much I enjoyed my time at WWD MAGIC in Vegas last month. Not only was it an enlightening and career changing event for me, but I also was introduced to brands (both large and small) that I had not known before. My love for fashion and excitement at meeting new industry pioneers, made the experience completely unforgettable and utterly priceless.
One brand that I didn’t previously know (but an now thrilled! about) is Zodiac USA. It’s a bigger brand, which is a cool change up for me as I tend to gravitate towards indie labels. But I just can’t resist learning more about them. With a mission statement like this, how could one not be intrigued?
Zodiac USA has deep roots in the rock-n-roll culture of the 70’s. It was then that two tannery owners pieced together scraps of mismatched leather to create a whole new vibe in footwear. Worn by hippies, rock stars and socialites alike, Zodiac USA embodied the cool, free-spirit attitude of the times. With a nod to its past, Zodiac USA is perfectly at home in the street, city and country styles of today. Eclectic, creative and cool, it’s the past, present and future of the American denim culture.
While checking out their facebook page, I was excited to learn about their participation in Hitching a Ride, a countrywide university tour with Soles4Souls. An on trend label with a philanthropic initiative, that’s my kind of brand.
On a side note, Zodiac was super generous to the WWD MAGIC/ TEEN VOGUE Bloggers and gifted us gift a card for a free pair of adorable flats. As soon as mine arrive in the mail, I’ll snap a few shots to satisfy your curiosity.