I love textile trade shows. Walking from booth to booth, collecting information on new design techniques and innovative technology, being exposed to various companies that I would not have known about otherwise, getting inspired by other’s creativity, all of this adds up to my idea of a really good time. As I mentioned in To Market, To Market!, there are several textile shows coming to New York in the spring and summer of this year. However, I just heard about another one and it sounds like a really good one. SpinExpo. It is knit industry specific with 15 years under its belt in Shanghai. This is year two in New York and word has it there’s a lot to be offered.
Held at the Metropolitan Pavilion in the garment district on July 19th, 20th, and 21st, the event will highlight “a very focused and unique exhibition featuring the most comprehensive and creative international offering of yarns and fibers, knitwear manufacturers and innovative knitwear machinery manufacturers.” While this is focused on the knitting industry I strongly believe that anyone in the textile and fashion industry can benefit from attending. I’ve already registered (it’s free to industry professionals!) and cannot wait until they post the list of seminars they are offering. If I haven’t convinced you to attend yet, take a look at the website. It’s beautiful and inspiring and makes me wish the show was this week rather than a few months down the road. That’s ok though, I can wait. The anticipation will make it that much better!