Editorial calendars…press use them, bloggers use them, and you should use them too.
As a brand, an editorial calendar provides you with a key tool to use when planning social media posts, blog posts, and email marketing campaigns.
Maintenance, focus, value, and timeliness are all efforts that editorial calendars will help you achieve.
While marketing your fashion brand can be fun, it encompasses a lot of moving parts, and like any machine requires maintenance to run smoothly. Without a calendar to remind you of what needs to be done and when, some maintenance pieces may be forgotten.
Use an editorial calendar to schedule your marketing chores such as when your blogs will publish, when you’ll run paid advertising on social media, when you’ll spend time engaging with and following new accounts, when you’re emails will drop, and so much more.
If it can be scheduled, it can be put on an editorial calendar.
Editorial calendars also help you focus the message you are delivering your community. They provide an overview of past, current, and future initiatives so you can make sure that you are properly representing your brand. This adds value to your content by ensuring your posts are well thought out and not contrived in haste.
How can you respond to fans and react to current events when you’re constantly thinking of what to post each day? You can’t. Creating an editorial calendar frees up time and allows you to complement all the scheduled content with fun, of-the-moment stuff that presents itself last minute.
I suggest taking time during the last week of every month to develop a marketing editorial calendar for the next month. Create thoughtful, intriguing posts that your fans will respond to while keeping your brand’s goals and market in mind.
Image: Rolands.Lakis