If asked, I would have to say that if there is one habit, one must-do, one daily task that I think every {fashion} business owner absolutely needs to incorporate into practice, it’s reading.
I’m not talking about books (At least not right now. Business books are a whole other blog post). What I’m talking about is blocking out some time each and every day to read blogs, newspapers, magazines.
Now, I’m sure a large majority of you spend time reading WWD, BoF, and other fashion business related online publications but there’s more to it than that.
Do you spend time reading online pubs that are outside of just the fashion-business sector?
It’s important to be aware of what’s going on in the world around you when it comes to your business. So many emerging designers who I work with have looked at me a little strangely when I’ve suggested that they start each day reading sites that cover a broad scope of topics.
Don’t say you have no time. Make the time. As a fashion business owner it is your responsibility to remain in the know.
One of the best pieces of advice that I can give you is to create this habit within your business.
One of the things we do for members of our Community is provide a feed of “Daily Must Reads”, where we’ve pulled the feeds of some of the best blogs, newspapers, and magazines so that you can start your day in the know. It’s like a morning paper of all kinds of information that can inspire how you run your businesses.
We do this because we know how easy it is to forget. We know how waking up in the morning usually means slipping into a routine of coffee and WWD, tea and BoF. Those publications are important, absolutely. But don’t forget about all of the other sources of important information out there.
Are you checking out textile designers’ blogs? What about small business coaches’ blogs or the international section of the Wall Street Journal?
Here are 6 topics that you should definitely work into your daily reading habits.
- Small business (not just fashion)
- Entertainment
- Design (not just fashion)
- Blogging
- Current events
- Technology
Remember that, regardless of the sector, understanding what others are doing will help you constantly innovate and grow as a business.
Thanks for the wonderful information Nicole. Corello is a new USA based edgy line,love for you to check it out. We are always looking for fashion experts.
I’m addicted to reading Forbes online, very very informative daily
Nicole Giordano
Thanks for sharing Tynesha!
Definitely important to make time to learn about what’s going on and be inspired! One site I really like is Trendland http://www.trendland.com, they have fashion but also music, art, design, photography and all kinds of other posts, everyday!
Nicole Giordano
Beautiful! Thanks for the suggestion, Erin!