I was watching this video from Brandon Goodman about allyship fatigue and he mentioned something that stuck with me.
He said…
I don’t care how strong you are. How strong do you want to be? I want you to push from how strong you want to be.
How do you want to show up?
Operate from the space that you’re trying to get to as opposed to the space that you are or you were.
Such a strong and beautiful sentiment.
In other words, what is the end goal? Now, take your actions as if you are living that end goal.
Who is the person you want to be? Act like that person.
It’s so important for our social justice work and how we show up in our allyship for marginalized communities.
By why stop there?
This sentiment of operating from where you want to be, rather than where you are, can be applied to so much about how we operate in life.
I see designers all the time operating small. Making decisions out of fear. Holding back. Worrying they’re not ready.
This the opposite of operating from where you want to be.
It’s keeping yourself exactly where you are because you don’t believe that you’ll ever get to where you want to be.
So instead of stepping into your confidence, acknowledging all of your capabilities, and accepting your imperfection, you let fear tell you you’re not good enough, not prepared enough, you don’t know enough.
And that is a shame.
Because you can do this.
You are smart enough.
You are capable.
And when you start operating from that place, something magical happens.
You start to believe it.
Operate from the space where you want to be, rather than the place where you are, and watch how things change for the better.
Lots of love and encouragement,