Pinterest, a visual social platform known for being awesome for fashion brands, has been upping it’s ante when it comes to search.
A few months ago, Pinterest opened up Guided Search for consumers, which allows people to explore and discover more than expected.
This is great for brands, so they can be found and discovered even when people may not be looking specifically for them. It allows for more opportunities, and fun for both brands and consumers.
There are of course a few tips to ensure your brand is able to take advantage of Pinterest Guided Search:
Board Names: Consider board names that people look for such as “summer fashion” or “great gifts” (which Nordstrom does). They keep it simple, but fun.
Board and Pin Descriptions: Don’t use words like “cute” or “shiny” unless there’s more to it. Make sure your brand describes the object in the image. Make it enticing so people keep clicking through the board to find more. Be their favorite discovery.
Hashtags: Simple one word hashtags. #fall #fashion vs. #fallfashion (and make them worth the hashtag).
Links: Yes, images can contain the links to direct people to the site you want, but it’s not 100% void of user error. Consider including an actual link in the description if you truly want the referral traffic.
There’s a limit: 500 characters or less. Don’t waste it.
In short, it’s all about the keywords. Think about what words people use to discover, and those are the keywords your brand should focus on. Don’t get technical with marketing speak. Be simple and use common words that people actually use every day.
Lastly, remember that people are inspired by your boards. Leave them something to be desired so they come back for more…