OK fashion designers, we had a very exciting phone call today with the folks over at NBC’s Fashion Star and learned that they are currently casting über-talented fashion designers for Season 2 of this exciting TV show! We know, it’s exciting, isn’t it?
Here’s a recap of our quick yet informative chat with Ethan Peterson, one of the show’s producers.
StUF: Are there specific criteria designers need to to meet in order to qualify for the how?
NBC: We are looking for a wide variety of designers however there are some points that must be met. Designers have to be over 21, legal U.S. residents, and designers of adult men’s and/or women’s apparel. Designers can focus on children’s wear or accessories but they must be able to show examples and of extremely well made men’s wear or women’s wear, as that is what the show focuses on.
Additionally, we are looking for a range of designers from skilled undiscovered to up and coming to established.
StUF: When choosing candidates what is the decision process like and what are you looking for in a designer?
NBC: There are a lot of factors we consider but the two that to the list are being a great designer with impeccable skills and having a star quality. This is a TV show, we’re looking for people tha America will route for.
StUF: Based on Season 1, do you have any feedback on the designer’s experience if chosen for the show, whether the grand prize winner or not?
NBC: Well, last year’s winner received a prize worth 6 million dollars, so the winner obviously makes out quite well. But besides the grand prize, all of the designers on the show progress in their career. Retailers are placing orders on the spot and the overall reach and marketing potential for a contestant is wonderful.
There you have it ladies and gents, if you’re talented and have a personality, you have a chance to be considered for this exciting opportunity. While you can apply by sending in a video or via an online application, NBC would like to stress that the absolute best way to apply is by attending one of the open call events that will be taking place all over the country in the coming weeks. And please note, filming will go on for 6 weeks, so you’ll need to make yourself available if you want a spot.
To learn more about the open call dates and how to apply, visit NBC fashion Star website.